Thursday, September 23, 2021

Why QR Voice

QR Voice is a handy tool that generates Audio QR codes from any written text. You don't need to register to start using it. Just type what you want the QR code to say when other people scan it. The Text will be hidden behind the QR codes in an audio format so that when people scan the QR code with their smartphone they will hear the text you typed.

1. Turn your PDF into an audiobook

The generated QR code is a small image, which can be inserted into any document. This tool will turn your printouts into the audiobook. When people hold your documents, they know they possess a hardcopy and a audiobook at the same time. They can choose to read it or listen to it, which ever is convenient for them.

2. Language learning tool

Many teachers have successfully used QR code in the class. By connecting the QR code to audio message, students can listen to the audio while having the hardcopy in hand. This tool will be more useful for the language learning students. it will improve listening skills and vocabulary, all in a painless and easy way.

3. QR code as a Tour Guide

From museums, historical spots, and art galleries, there is always a needs to provide a tour guide. When visiting museums, people borrow audio equipment to have an audio guide with them. Normally that means a long waiting time for your turn and sometimes the devices are not available. Voice QR code is a perfect solution. Customers can scan the code using the smartphone and listen to it using their own headphones.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

5 Benefits of QR codes for small business

Each year more and more people are using smartphone. Over half of all Americans now have smartphones with more people using these devices than land lines and other mobile devices. For marketers, the mobility of smartphones makes it possible to reach customers without any attachment to a specific location. QR codes play an important role in this process for many small business. Are you still skeptical about QR codes? The following list details five benefits of QR codes for small business that will convince you to give them a try. It is important not to get overwhelmed with all of these strategies. Pick one or two that are most relevant for your particular company and build from there.

Build customer relations

Many business struggle to get customers to complete surveys about products. If they receive a survey in a store, most people are just not interested in taking them home to fill out later. QR codes give customers the opportunity to participate while they finish at the cash register, wait in line, or seated as a table in a restaurant. Customers appreciate the convenience, and businesses appreciate the rapid turnaround time. Don’t forget to tell customers how you will use their feedback. People want to know that their comments will be taken seriously. Small businesses can also use QR codes to gather business reviews for online sites such as Yelp. Many companies choose to offer incentives such as special discounts of free item for people who write reviews.

Get Free Promotion

QR codes allow people to “like” and “follow” a business quickly and easily without having to search for it later. Consider creating codes that link directly to Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. QR codes also allow people to “Pin” your products, blog posts and other website links on Pinterest. Many small business create their own Pinterest accounts to post pictures of products and services and other relevant industry information. One of the key aspects to success on Pinterest is high quality images. All of the pictures of your own products and services that you post should be good enough that potential and existing customers will want to share them with others. The chances that your content will go viral increases when that content, such as videos, are high quality and shared appropriately on social media.

Boost Website and blog traffic

It is always important to place QR codes, each with a clear goal and purpose, in convenient locations so people will take the time to visit your sites. Offering something of value for your customers will help drive the kind of traffic. For example, a restaurant may put QR codes on their menus with nutritional information about the dishes.

Cater to a local audience

There isn’t a better method for advertising local promotions than directly in front of a business. QR codes cultivate relationships with customers and, in a sense, bring them to you. The codes get them talking about your company, and with enticing incentives, these customers are more likely to become repeat customers. Discovering a great new company and then getting an immediate deal for one of their products or services is a sure way to get a new customer to share the story with friends and family. Many small businesses also use QR codes for local event registration. Don’t let people walk away without giving them the opportunity to register or at least get more information about the event. Make a flyer or poster with content that is visually appealing, and consider offering an incentive when people sign up for the event.

Build an email subscription list

Every small business should give all potential and existing customers a simple method for signing up for a company email newsletter. Although there are a number of successful methods for building lists, many companies make use of QR codes for subscription sign up. Newsletters allow new customers to stay connected to and learn more about businesses. In turn, they allow companies to further customer relationships and increase the chances of gaining return customers. provides free QR codes solutions, you can further read about it on their website and blog.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

4 reasons why you should put QR codes on blog

As a website owner in today’s society, it is becoming increasingly important than ever to encourage the mobile user to visit your website. The primary value of scanning a QR code is to alleviate the need to enter the long web link on a phone. Offer a QR code on your website provides the following benefits:

1. Make it easier to share

54% Facebook user are on mobile. Another statistics says: 54% of companies ban Facebook and twitter at work. Scanning a QR code can help the user immediately open the link on their mobile phone and share it using Facebook app. Do not ignore these mobile users when they like your article and want to share with friends.

2. Continued reading

People may have gotten interrupted or rushed to complete another task. QR code allow the user to scan and open the same link on their phone, so they can pick up what he left out and continue reading. Or they found an interesting blog that they would like to read it while commuting or in a coffee shop. A good QR code scanner app should keep the QR code history, and the user will know where to find the article when they need it.

3. Access necessary information from a phone

Opening the website on the mobile phone means your clients can access your website anytime, anywhere. Any important information is at their fingertip, such as your business hours, your location, and contact number. Help the client avoid having to type long URL and make it easier for them to open it on their phone.

4. An electronic version on the paper

When the web page is printed, a QR code will also be printed on the paper as an image. It will become handy that people know an electronic version can be opened on the mobile phone by simply scanning the QR code. If the page is too long, you can print the first page which contains the QR code and the receiver can read the complete article from that one paper.

That being said, it would be a tedious task to create and maintain QR code images for every blog on your server. provides a free service to solve this problem. Includes the following HTML codes in your web page. It will automatically detect your web page URL and create a dynamic QR code image on the page, so you can use the same code on any web page. This will encourage the mobile user to scan your web page and share it using smart phone.

<img src="" style="float:left;width:100px;height:100px;">

Friday, August 16, 2019

a comment copied from CrazyBob

QR code Back in 2006, I did some research about Google Guice and compare it with Spring. I don't like the idea of annotation injection for these annotations will mess up with all the other java codes and comments. From a programmer's point of view, it is hard to recognize and maintain.
There is a discussion which can be found from CrazyBob . I found the following comment is the most interesting part. I copied and pasted it here only in case one day it will got lost and easily for me to read again.

constantine said...
This blog, and most of the responses, just amaze me. They reflect almost everything that is wrong with the software industry today... Basically, Software Engineering is not just for software engineers any more. The great Edsgar Dijkstra must be turning in his grave. What a shame! People who "don't get" things - by their own admission - still somehow feel in a position to bash what they don't get! Look, Spring or no Spring, there are certain basic principles of computer science and SE-ing that every decent SE should follow in order to build good, reliable, maintainable, flexible software. Some of those basic principles dictate that you should design and code for abstractions rather than hardcoded implementations, seoarate business logic from presentation, separate the applicatino configuratin from the application itself, promote reusability and modularity - for the sake of maintainability, fast error detection, and flexibility, etc. There is nothing new here. Now, Spring is just one very intellingently put together framework/set of tools/whatever you call it, that makes it easier to do all the things that you should be doing anyway. That is, if you are a decent software engineer.

Unfortunately, there are very few really good SEs these days - compared to the hords of really bad ones. Years ago, one of the fathers of Computer Science, the brilliant Edsgar Dijkstra publidhed an article in which declared that about 90% of all SEs are lousy SEs. I was in grad school when I read that article, and I almost got offended. Where does it put me, I thought. Of course, now I realize how correct Dijkstra was. Except, since the late 90s, the software industries has turned into millions of seatshops where the vast majority of programmers are absolutely incompetent hackers - with many years of experience... writing lousy, unmaintainable spaghetti code. There are, of course, companies where very technical and intelligent managers do a great job hiring brilliant people. However, the vast majority of "non-technical" companies with "IT" departments are driving themselves into the ground by hiring talentless and unmotivated clowns with nothing but lots of buzzwords in their resumes. Those people, under "supervision" of incompetent development managers or incompetent architects/bureaucrats, create unimaginable garbage, get praised for the long nights and weekends they spent fixing their own bugs, and build applications that require full-time "sustaining" teams to support for years to come. Each bug fix produces more new bugs, errors are hard or impossible to trace, nothing is reusable... Ahh well... I know this because, in my line of work I work on different projects at different client sites, and there is always the same picture.

The motivation behind efforts like Spring, as I have said, was to make it easier for software engineers to design and build applications that conform to the standards of elegance, reliability and maintainability so passionately promoted by people like Dijkstra. Spring was concieved and designed by the people with a very clear vision of what real Computer Science and Software Enginering should be. Every good SE I know has embraced Spring - not just for the features, but for the great example how to approach application design. It is not about what to use fore configuration - XML or Java, it is about designing your app so that one does not break when the other is modified, or when the requirements change. Of course, a bad programmer will misuse anything, including Spring. So, don't point at lousy implementations as proof that Spring is no good. Don't quote another incompetyent developer who has used Spring on a project but can't explain why and what for. He's just another imposter with a cooked resume. Just try to "get" Spring first. What's more important, make sure you get the basic principles of software engineering first - that are behing Spring. Seriously. And then provide your feedback.

Now, one interesting observation. There are two very distinct kinds of Spring bashers that I have come across within the past few years. The first type are programmers who have been in the business long enough to consider themselves "experienced" but who still have a way to go (they just don't know it yet.) These folks have not yet passed the stage (the stage that all of us, software engineers, have or will have to go through) when they think that their ideas are the best, any criticism is unacceptable and met with fierce resistance. These guys aren't yet at the point when they start appreciating healthy exchanges of ideas, and the fact that there are people out there from whom they can and should learn some really good and useful stuff. Often, these guys stay on the same project for years, become complacent but very proud of their input on that particular project. When facing a new ernvironment where fresh ideas are "imposed" on them, they become extremely argumentative. Simply because it is now someone else's ideas that people are turning to...

The second type is probably the most dangerous type. Those are the not-so-competent but very political and insecure lower- and mid-level technical managers, and architects, and tech leads that spend most of their time in meetings vs. writing code. These people have never been good programmers. In fact, they never even liked programming. They have always enjoyed going to the meetings, discussing "the big picture", project mile-stones, meeting clients, presenting the product written by the "code monkeys." Such people move from project to project, get promoted, add all sorts of cool stuff to their resumes, eloquently speak about every hot technology out there... They just don't write code. Or, perhaps, when they do, you'd wish they never did... But, boy, do they like to talk about stuff. You see their postings in forums like this,, and many others. Their postings usually contain phrases like "my developers", "I always instruct my team", "when I conduct code reviews", etc. It is clear that they are in charge, and they know what they are talking about. They just don't write good code themselves. And these people scream louder than anyone else when some new face suggests a fresh idea. Not because they really "get" the idea after having spent weeks analyzing it, but because the idea comes from someone else, and they are suddenly not the ones everyone is listening to. God, how many times have I seen this...

There is a small variation of the second type: the more technical engineers/managers/leads. They do write code, they are indeed intelligent, but way too much consumed with their egos not get annoyed when someone comes up with a new idea that they hadn't thought of first. Their ego and insecurity stands in the way of them calmly analyzing the issue and perhaps agreeing that the opponents have a point...

The author of the original blog ("I don't get Spring") seems to belong to that particular category - the last one mentioned. And his blog has attracted all sorts of representatives of all three types - to vent, bitch and moan... They seem to have found one place where the likes of them would listen and agree, and support their insecurities. It's a shame.

By the way, one of the great things about Spring is that it is totally non-ivasive. Spring does not force itself on you. You can use only small parts of it - to the extend you think you may need it. And, it you can add more Spring support as the necessity arives. That's the whole point of any intelligently written software. You don't need to de-couple everything. Just use your best judgement. The point is, Spring helps you to do othings the right way - when and where you chose. It is still up to you to decide what your application needs. But if you are sweating to decide whether your code should be reusable and elegant, or look like a big steaming pile of spaghetti, and you don't see the difference... then, perhaps, software engineering is not for you.

Generate QR code for current web page

This bookmarklet will generate a QR code of the page you are visiting. It has been tested on Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft IE, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.

1. How to add this bookmarklet to the browser

Drag the following link onto the browser's bookmark toolbar.

Generate QR Code

When you click the button, it will generate a QR code of the page you are visiting.

2. Why we need it

  • Quickly transfer any URL to your phone with QR Code bookmarklet
  • In smart phone, you can share the linke in Facebook, twitter, WeChat etc. Also be able to save for later reading, send by email or add to favorite.
  • WeChat has a built-in QR code scanner. If you found some interesting websites, blogs, news, articles, photos, videos on your computer, you can easily generate QR code, scan and open the link on mobile phone.
  • Starting from 2017, iPhone's camera app can read QR codes. This bookmarklet can generate QR codes for any webpage, allow the same page to be opened in iPhone almost immediately.
  • People may have gotten interrupted or rushed to complete another task. A QR code allow the user to scan and open the same link on smart phone, so that they can pick up what he left out and continue reading.
  • Normally company computers don't allow access to social media websites. Scanning a QR code can help the user immediately open the link on their smart phone and share it using Facebook app.

3. Other Features

You can highlight any text on the page and hit the button. A QR code based on that text will be generated.

4. Scan2d QR code provide a enhanced version of Generating QR code. Drag the following link onto the browser's bookmark toolbar and try it.
Scan2D QR
On the new popup window, not only incuding QR code, also some tools to share the link to Facebook, Twitter etc.

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