Friday, August 16, 2019

Generate QR code for current web page

This bookmarklet will generate a QR code of the page you are visiting. It has been tested on Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft IE, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.

1. How to add this bookmarklet to the browser

Drag the following link onto the browser's bookmark toolbar.

Generate QR Code

When you click the button, it will generate a QR code of the page you are visiting.

2. Why we need it

  • Quickly transfer any URL to your phone with QR Code bookmarklet
  • In smart phone, you can share the linke in Facebook, twitter, WeChat etc. Also be able to save for later reading, send by email or add to favorite.
  • WeChat has a built-in QR code scanner. If you found some interesting websites, blogs, news, articles, photos, videos on your computer, you can easily generate QR code, scan and open the link on mobile phone.
  • Starting from 2017, iPhone's camera app can read QR codes. This bookmarklet can generate QR codes for any webpage, allow the same page to be opened in iPhone almost immediately.
  • People may have gotten interrupted or rushed to complete another task. A QR code allow the user to scan and open the same link on smart phone, so that they can pick up what he left out and continue reading.
  • Normally company computers don't allow access to social media websites. Scanning a QR code can help the user immediately open the link on their smart phone and share it using Facebook app.

3. Other Features

You can highlight any text on the page and hit the button. A QR code based on that text will be generated.

4. Scan2d QR code provide a enhanced version of Generating QR code. Drag the following link onto the browser's bookmark toolbar and try it.
Scan2D QR
On the new popup window, not only incuding QR code, also some tools to share the link to Facebook, Twitter etc.

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